Step 1 — Relationship with your vadge

Your vadge is only as good as you treat her.

improving your vadge

01 — Waxing

most women shave due to lack of knowledge, low cost and convenience. however, the expense their skin pay is way higher—hyperpigmentation, ingrown hairs and a bumpy bikini line. making the switch to waxing will ensure smoother skin, longer-lasting results and a prettier kitty.

02 — PH Balance

outer beauty is important, but inner beauty is essential. a pretty kitty will boost your coochie confidence, but a healthy ph will make sure it stays that way! maintaining your ph is vital for preventing infections, discomfort and permanent embarrassment. no one will ever forget the girl whose twerk wind or sit down air stanked a lil bit.

03 — Products

waxing and keeping your ph balance in check are only half the battle. what you do at home will make or break your vadge. it is time out for the cute soaps and viral tiktok exfoliating scrubs, those items are literally crumbling your cookie.

04 — A Vadge Home

your vadge needs a forever home, she should not be traveling abroad (in the waxing world at least). a lot of other business models include rushing your service, no dinner or getting to know your name. you want to choose experts who know her well and can give personalized treatment and consistent care.

Put your vadge on a pedestal.

- Choc—Founder & Coochie Connoisseur.

improve your relationship with your vadge now.